
The information provided by the website is general purpose only and the use and viewing it is governed by the terms of use. The information, software, product, services depicted on the website may include inaccuracies and typographical errors which is regretted. The connectdesk.co.uk is not liable/responsible for any decision that you may take based on such inaccurate information. Changes are periodically made to make improvements without prior notice.

Connect Desk doesn’t represent any airline or travel agent listed on the site and we are an independent travel concierge service provider.

As Connectdesk.co.uk is a travel agent that helps you in your flight bookings, hotel accommodations, car rentals etc. and thus the website contains links to third-party websites which are not under our control. We provide their links only for the convenience of bookings and are not responsible for any content, availability of products, information, services or any aspect of any linked site or any link contains in a linked site. As a customer please ensure that information given by you while booking is correct. For security reasons, cancellation or changes in booking we contact you by your contact details and emails and if any or all these details are incorrect, we reserve the right to cancel the transaction at your risk and cost.

Through the website, connectdesk.co.uk just provides intermediary services to its esteemed customers and thus shall not be or deemed to be responsible for lack of information provided by third parties such as airlines, hotels, car rentals, tour operators, partners etc.